I am a mom who loves to write, but never publishes. I don't think of what, or how I write as a talent by any means, and will struggle if given to me by assignment. I find myself writing about moments in life that in some big or small way have touched my heart or stay branded in my mind. Until now, I have only written poems; some actually made it on paper, but are tucked away and password protected. I hope you feel you can share your own thoughts or memories with me. Enjoy a refreshing lime beverage while doing so!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Family and Friends. Appreciate and Love. Everyday.

July 21, 2012

Family and Friends. Appreciate and Love. Everyday.

One Night Out.
Two days ago a horrific tragedy took place in in the United States.  At a premier showing of the latest Batman movie a gunman opened fire inside an Aurora, Colorado movie theater killing and injuring many innocent people!  WHAT?  
We go to the movies for a night of entertainment and popcorn, a date night, a celebration, watch our favorite stars, root for the good guy, laugh at the comedy, cry at the romance. Who knew it would be the last time a mother would see her daughter, or a father would talk to his son, and many more scenarios like this.  So very sad.

Never Leave without saying Goodbye and I love you.
An occurrence like this makes me realize how valuable life is. A tough reminder to appreciate every single day we have with family and friends.  Admittedly, my son and his girlfriend went to the midnight premier of Batman at one of our hometown theaters.  As with any time he leaves the house, I told him to be careful and we exchanged "I love yous".  He woke me  when he got home (3am) and couldn't wait to tell me about the movie and how much he liked it.  He returned home.  Not once did either of us fathom anything like what happened in Aurora, Colorado. 

For This I am Thankful.
The picture you see above is one taken on a recent vacation with my family.  Two of my sisters, my brother and our families spent a fantastic week together in a beach house on the Gulf Coast.  This has been our tradition for 13 years.  We love this week together and truly enjoy every minute with each other.  We laugh together, cook together, eat together, drink together, play games together, soak up sun together, sing and dance together, and so much more -seven days straight!  This year we enjoyed a few "firsts": each night at dinner we shared our high/low for the day, one of my brothers-in-law threw a cast net for the first time (and caught his first mullet), my nieces put a music video together, we went "out" to eat one night, we woke early to capture the sunrise on camera, and we had vacation t-shirts made.  We created memories we'll cherish forever!  I'll share more pictures at the end of this blog.

Reach Out.
I'm sure many of you share wonderful moments with your family too. We all need to appreciate the family and friends we have in our lives. Tell them you love them. If it's been a while since you spoke, pick up the phone and make the call. Appreciate everyday. Love and spend time with family and friends.

My love~  Joni 

More pictures as promised....

Waffle House hat for my Bro who cooked breakfast every morning!!
