I am a mom who loves to write, but never publishes. I don't think of what, or how I write as a talent by any means, and will struggle if given to me by assignment. I find myself writing about moments in life that in some big or small way have touched my heart or stay branded in my mind. Until now, I have only written poems; some actually made it on paper, but are tucked away and password protected. I hope you feel you can share your own thoughts or memories with me. Enjoy a refreshing lime beverage while doing so!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

You Had Me at "Letters For My Daughters"

I was inspired to publish my first personal blog post after reading an enews letter one day at work. It was one that I recently subscribed to and was not very familiar with it's content. Admittedly, I was surprised that I would find what I now call "one of my favorite" blogs in this enews.  The "teasers" intrigued me just enough that I started my click through.  It was there that I came upon a link to another blog page that was being highlighted by the author of the enews.  I did not hesitate to click on the link.  The name of the blog captured me.  It was as if nothing else mattered except what was behind this title.

I specifically chose this day, Father's Day, to share my post. As you continue to read  I hope you understand why.   Just a few days before I received the enews, a long time best girlfriend of mine lost her daddy. While talking with her, and being by her side during one of the hardest moments of her life, brought all kind of memories of my own father's death and the love and memories I hold tightly of him.

The name of the blog, that I instantly clicked to get to, was titled, "Letters For My Daughters", authored by a man named Bruce D Johnson.  I was so drawn to his blog and touched by his purpose and goal for creating this blog. I had to make contact with him and let him know.  Below are the actual emails between us:


I just landed on your blog page and am already a fan. Funny though, I haven't even read one post! Just the fact that you are a father of two girls and started this series of life lesson letters to them reeled me in. I cannot wait to read them all.
As the fifth of five daughters, I was a self proclaimed daddy's girl and his favorite I might add (just ask me) haha. To me, my sisters, my brother, mom, and many who knew him; my daddy was one in a million!
I lost my daddy in 2002 to a very rare cancer, mesothelioma. He was 69. In his later years, he had become very intrigued with computers and was determined to try and learn as much as he could about many of the software programs that interested him, emails, and the Internet. I loved receiving emails from daddy; photos, poems, jokes..you name it, he sent it. I still have the last email he sent me.  I truly believe, had he known about blogs at the time he would have loved the idea of sharing his knowledge, ideas, and life lessons with all of us!
For this reason, I am drawn to yours. No, I am not a teenager, nor am I in my twenties anymore - but we all can learn from each others life lessons, right? No matter what age?
I have two children of my own, one daughter and one son. I hope you don't mind if I share your stories with them.
What a beautiful and infinite gift you are giving to your daughters. I hope they treasure it forever.
My warmest regards,  Joni


Thanks for taking the time to write and for your encouragement! Also, thanks for sharing your story about your relationship with your father. Sorry he had to go through what he went through, but you seem to have made peace with it.
And yes, you may share these stories with your kids (and enjoy them yourself). In fact, I've heard from a number of mothers who have enjoyed reading them for themselves as well. We all need to be reminded of these lessons, all the time.
Hope you're having a great day! You've made mine brighter!

My sisters and bro,

I had to share this with you. It really tugged at my heart. Coming across this blog is something I needed this week... Spending time talking with Rita and truly feeling her pain has led to many "moments" of thinking of our daddy and the many , many memories. Who knows, he is probably the one who put this in front of me.
Anyway, my sensitivity this week plus this man's inspiring messages led me to email him. Check out his blog page. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
I love you all, Joni

My sisters, brother and I are extremely close and will forever share our largest pain and the triggers that cause our "moments".  To date, Father's Day is the toughest day to get through.  I am so thankful for the incredible person my daddy was and the life lessons he taught me. I think of him daily and miss him endlessly.

Happy Father's Day Daddy.  I love you. Your baby girl.

A special thank you and Father's day wish to Mr. Bruce D Johnson.  You are an inspiration.

Happy Father's Day to Mr. Howard L Fields; Rest in Peace.

Finally, Happy Father's Day to all of the wonderful fathers ~ may you find the time to share your life lessons with your children.  

This blog post is dedicated to the greatest man I've ever known: 

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